Using Lace Doilies and Placemats for Texture

Continuing with my texture series, I wanted to share some quick tips and tricks for using placemats and lace doilies to add texture to clay.
Lace Doilies- I was drawn to lace doilies primarily for their vintage charm, not to mention they're super affordable and relatively easily accessible. Most of the doilies I own are from online marketplaces, but I've also picked up a few gems during my travels—flea markets and charming little shops in quaint European villages hold some of my favorites.
They are easy to use and easy to store! When working with a doily, check for the side with a more pronounced texture and place it facing down on clay to get a deep impression. I usually use a pony roller or brayer to press the doily in clay but a regular rolling pin works just fine too. Roll over the clay several times to ensure an even impression throughout.
Often, you might notice a delicate net-like texture transferring onto the clay surface as well. Most people don't mind it, but I don't particularly enjoy, especially since I often use an antiquing technique with underglazes on lace textures, and that tends to settle into this fine net texture. To get rid of it, I simply use my hands and a damp sponge to gently wipe over the net texture and clean it up.
Placemats- This is a trend which seems to be catching on mostly due to their vide variety of designs, durability and affordability. When using a placemat, I prefer placing it facedown and then rolling over it with a pony roller or a rolling pin. For the first use, I always dust a bit of cornstarch on the clay surface with a fluffy brush to ensure easy release. Placemats usually come in circle or rectangle shapes, which I find perfect for making large bowls and platters. While in most cases, I like to add the texture on the inside of the shallow bowl/ platter form, these can be used for adding texture on the outside for forms with taller walls- Press the placemat in clay- trace and cut around the edge with the placemat still in clay- DRAPE it over the form with the texture side facing outside- shape the bowl with hands by pressing around the form and once happy with the shape- remove the placemat and you have a perfectly textured exterior! This technique just ensures that the texture doesn't get ruined while you shape the piece.
Silicon Texture mats- These are commonly used for fondant and cake decorating, but they're also great for working with clay! Just like with placemats, it's a good idea to dust a light layer of cornstarch on the clay surface the first time you use them to prevent sticking.
Where to buy them- The best place I've found online for placemats is Shein. They also have a decent collection of lace doilies. And here are the links to my wishlists for Doilies and Placemats on Shein:
Placemats- Click here
Doilies- Click here
Another option is Amazon- look for textured placemats, lace doilies, silicon fondue mats or silicon texture mats, and you'll discover plenty of designs.
I've listed some of these in my Amazon storefront as well for easy access.
Have fun texturing clay!