My Pottery Journey – Tagged "blog"– Ceramics by Jas

My Pottery Journey

  • Creativity & Mindset

    In this post, I want to talk about mindset and how important it is to have the right one, especially when you are a creative finding your voice, tr...
  • My clay journey: How I started and why I am still here..

    My clay journey: How I started and why I am still here..

    I always wanted to journal my thoughts and document my clay journey. But I always managed to find excuses for not doing so. Sometimes it was the fear of judgment, and other times it was the busyness of life, with other things taking priority over journaling. But this time around, I'm determined to make a change. I want to share glimpses of my process, my inspirations, my successes, and even my failures, in the hope that it might inspire someone who's on the sidelines, hesitant to take the plunge and experience this beautiful and fulfilling creative life.